Nick Register Helpline

[ ICQ-User ] Command: /ns REGISTER password e-mail address || Replace password using a password of your choice || Replace e-mail-address with your VALID e-mail address. You are required to confirm the e-mail address after registering your nickname.

Search Seen Your Friend

[ Search ] Need to find your friends? Type !seen nick in the chatroom. You can also use *wildmask* for your searches. Remember, the nick you search for, will be informed that you were looking for them ;-)

Report Abuse

[Report Abuser] There are different kind/class of people on WebChat. The Chatroom doesn't take any responsibility for what a user does or behaves with you in private message to you. To prevent Abuse, type /silence <+nick>. In case, issue is on channel mains, /join #Ophelp & report Abuse. Contact @Operators in case the private message Abuse continues often.